Rambo franchise owned and produced by Vivendi and Lionsgate. 

Beware the soldier with a tragic past. The Rambo franchise centres on the exploits of the titular John Rambo, a high-skilled Vietnam War veteran who is constantly dragged back into the fray, both by his former commanding officer and by the tragedies of his own mind. The Rambo franchise is, in ways, as much an investigation of the tragedy of war as it is a standard set of action movies. (Though that depends on which film you're watching.)

Adapted from the novel First Blood by David Morell, the Rambo franchise spans several video games, a cartoon, comic books, and novelizations of the movies. Included below are links to some of the more notable media. For the core story of Rambo, all you really need to do are watch the movies in order of release date. Everything else is... of varying quality.

In-Universe Chronological Order / Release Dates
Release Date (television)
Release Dates (video games)