Lufia franchise owned and published by Taito, Square Enix, Natsume Inc, and Atlus USA.

A franchise dating back to the days of the SNES, the Lufia series is a prototypical JRPG. The series tells the story of Maxim, a great hero, who defends the world against the Sinistrals, a race of incredibly powerful beings bent on ruling everything. If Maxim isn't involved, one of his descendants is sure to rush in and save the day. Fortunately for Maxim's family, one of the Sinistrals is often conflicted about her role as a harbinger of doom...

Several games - notably Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals and Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals - cover similar territory by depicting the original battle between Maxim and the Sinistrals. Which game you play to witness these events is up to you, though the games play differently (Rise of the Sinistrals is a JRPG while Curse of the Sinistrals is more of an action game).

Estpolis Denki DX is a Japan-only mobile game that allows players to experience the Ancient Cave minigame from Lufa II: Rise of the Sinistrals. It is not necessary to play this game to experience the entirety of the plot.